Claudia Olsson
Teknik- och framtidsexpert
Framtidsanalytikern Claudia Olsson har unik kunskap om morgondagens teknik och hur den påverkar samhället. Claudia har utsetts till Young Global Leader av World Economic Forum, jobbat som rådgivare åt utrikesdepartementet, skrivit framtidsrapporter åt digitaliseringskommissionen, arbetat för FN i New York och fördjupat sig i robotik i Sydkorea. Claudia Olsson lär oss om digital transformation, globalisering, framtidstrender och ny teknik. Boka en efterfrågad föreläsning med Claudia Olsson här!
- Exponential Technologies
- Digital Leadership and Transformation
- The Blockchain and the Cashless Society
- The Future of Jobs
- The Future of Healthcare
Claudia Olsson är grundare och VD för Stellar Capacity AB, ett utbildningsföretag som hittills har utbildat över 185,000 ledare globalt i färdigheter som är avgörande för en AI-driven era. Hon är även medgrundare och styrelseordförande för SpeakCharlie AB, ett företag som främjar global talangmobilitet och interkulturell kommunikation.
Med internationell erfarenhet som sträcker sig från Indien och Singapore till Japan, Korea och USA, har Claudia samlat en unik global insikt i teknikens roll i att forma framtiden. Hennes arbete med att kartlägga teknisk utveckling i framkant, bland annat med fokus på generativ AI, och dess påverkan på företag, ledarskap och samhälle har gett Claudia perspektiv på modernt ledarskap och organisationsutveckling som få andra. Hon har dessutom djupdykt inom vilka färdigheter som blir avgörande för individer och företag som fortsatt vill vara relevanta i en digital värld.
Hon har varit VD för ACCESS Health International i Sydostasien, verkar som medlem i Trilaterala kommissionen och har tilldelats utmärkelsen Young Global Leader av World Economic Forum. På nationell nivå har hon bidragit till Digitaliseringskommissionens vision för Sverige 2030 och på europeisk nivå utvecklat strategier och scenarier för Europas industriella framtid som medlem i expertgruppen “Industry 2030” och som medlem i World Economic Forums Europa-policy grupp.
År 2023 utsågs Claudia till Sveriges mest visionära kvinna inom teknik av #addher awards. Hon har rankats som en av de mäktigaste kvinnorna inom svenskt näringsliv av Veckans Affärer och som en av Sveriges mest kreativa personer av tidningen Resumé. Med en civilingenjörsexamen från Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, en civilekonomexamen från Handelshögskolan i Stockholm och en Executive MBA från Wharton, University of Pennsylvania, förenar hon teknologisk förståelse med affärsstrategiskt tänkande.
Claudia Olsson har medverkat som rådgivare i flera globala forum och är en internationellt eftertraktad föreläsare iinom områden som AI, framtidens arbetsliv och ledarskap och innovation. Hennes arbete har inspirerat ledare och organisationer att möta utmaningarna och ta vara på möjligheterna i en alltmer digitaliserad värld. Genom sitt fokus på långsiktig påverkan och innovation har hon blivit en av Sveriges mest inflytelserika röster inom digital transformation.
Foto: Elisabeth Ingvar
Exponential Technologies
Fast-paced developments in artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics and synthetic biology are already affecting our lives and remodeling our markets, businesses and societal functions. Claudia shares the insights she had gained through research in Japan, Singapore, South Korea and Silicon Valley, presenting cutting-edge applications of the technology and also their potential impact on various industries. Claudia’s lecture focuses on the challenges that these exponential technologies can help solve.
Digital Leadership and Transformation
With digital transformation impacting a variety of industries simultaneously, there is a need for a new approach to leadership and work methods. The expectations of the co-worker of the digital era, as well as the extended skill set they offer will have significant impact on the job markets. The rapid technological development and its disruptive nature, requires agile leadership, open to co-creation and interdisciplinary engagement. Claudia highlights best-practices that digital leaders have adopted and provides strategic guidance in leveraging new technologies for greater impact.
The Blockchain and the Cashless Society
A technology that will change how the finance industry, businesses, governments and individuals transact and store information – the blockchain may be one of our times most revolutionary inventions. The blockchain enables global decentralized digital currencies and new forms of decentralized leaderless organizations as well as microbusiness development in large scale. After conducting extensive research into the potential of this disruptive technology for the Entrepreneurship Forum, Claudia introduces the potential disruptive power of the technology and engages the audience in thought-provoking scenarios for future applications in governance, finance and infrastructure.
The Future of Jobs
The future labor markets will be shaped by the accelerating technological developments as well as our globalization and increased global mobility. Many current jobs are becoming automated and robots are entering our workplaces in both physical and virtual forms. The global human workforce is also moving online, engaging to a greater extent in the platforms created as a part of the growing freelance economy. Old structures for employment, remuneration, interaction with colleagues and clients, are experiencing rapid change. A new job market is taking shape. Claudia shares insights from her research into the jobs of the future, highlighting major trends and their impact as well as the key measures that employers need to consider to attract talent in the years to come. Claudia’s lecture focuses on unraveling the opportunities and challenges that the global digital labor market presents.
The Future of Healthcare
With an increased access to readable data, advanced algorithms are starting to complement the traditional role of medical personnel. Health care is becoming personalized, predictive, participatory and preventive and the focus of health care is shifting from treating illnesses to keeping individuals healthy. The future of healthcare will require new skills, infrastructure and leadership, which Claudia addresses in her lecture. Claudia also highlights health care in the global context, having worked with access to health care in low- and middle income countries.
Boka en föreläsning med Claudia Olsson på 031-780 32 35
Region Sörmland
Offentliga Rummet
Singularity University
– Young Global Leader (World Economic Forum)
– The Young Leader of the year (4Potentials)
– Leader of the Next Generation (Stars Foundation in Switzerland and China)
– A Gifted Citizen (La Ciudad de las Ideas in Mexico)
– The European David Rockefeller Fellowship (Trilateral Commission)
Claudia holds a really inspiring, fast paced and insightful talk from the leading edge of technological evolution and entrepreneurship. She doesn’t just stack examples on top of each other, but dissects and draws conclusions and insights and presents some overarching trends and forecasts of the future. As the digital revolution has merely just begun, everyone in business (and society!) needs to get prepared to seize the coming wealth of opportunities. Claudias talk is one such preparation.
Claudia delivered an outstanding speech. Based on personal experiences and global perspectives she took us on a journey into the future of technologies and digitalizing and presented dimensions none of us had even considered before. We walked away with many important eye openers and thought starters - very inspiring!
What makes it especially fun to listen to Claudia is that it is possible to apply her images and thoughts in today’s reality, for example when it comes to leadership. It was a perfect start to a conference to begin with Claudia, the group became interested and inspired, and she made it easy to continue our work during the day. Claudia broadened the horizons.
Claudia is a brilliant speaker. The way she captivates the audience by combining experience with personal insights of future technologies is absolutely phenomenal. I couldn’t have asked for a more rewarding event. Claudia has opened my eyes to all the opportunities future technologies could bring to our organization.
Claudia holds a really inspiring, fast paced and insightful talk from the leading edge of technological evolution and entrepreneurship. She doesn’t just stack examples on top of each other, but dissects and draws conclusions and insights and presents some overarching trends and forecasts of the future. As the digital revolution has merely just begun, everyone in business (and society!) needs to get prepared to seize the coming wealth of opportunities. Claudias talk is one such preparation.
Claudia delivered an outstanding speech. Based on personal experiences and global perspectives she took us on a journey into the future of technologies and digitalizing and presented dimensions none of us had even considered before. We walked away with many important eye openers and thought starters - very inspiring!
What makes it especially fun to listen to Claudia is that it is possible to apply her images and thoughts in today’s reality, for example when it comes to leadership. It was a perfect start to a conference to begin with Claudia, the group became interested and inspired, and she made it easy to continue our work during the day. Claudia broadened the horizons.
Claudia is a brilliant speaker. The way she captivates the audience by combining experience with personal insights of future technologies is absolutely phenomenal. I couldn’t have asked for a more rewarding event. Claudia has opened my eyes to all the opportunities future technologies could bring to our organization.